Welcome to the Dukes Club

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  • Complete your profile
  • Access exclusive events, valuable resources and connect with likeminded people in the Dukes Club

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Hello. And welcome to Dukes Club, a members’ club where we connect.

The Dukes Club is a space for the Dukes family to come together and enjoy an experience beyond the school gates. If you are a parent with a child at a Dukes Education school, college or nursery, we invite you to join. Membership will give you exclusive access to an array of opportunities, open only to fellow parents, staff and alumni of Dukes schools.

Would you like to hear from leading parenting and education experts? Attend events with high-profile speakers and leading cultural lights? Or access fun family events, enrichment classes, or once-in-a-lifetime trips for your children? As a family of schools, our scale and scope gives us the capability to provide these amazing opportunities, and more.

Members will also have free access to an online portal full of helpful resources such as top parenting tips and how-to guides on navigating the British education system. Or if you just want to get to know fellow parents and make new friends, for yourself and your children, there will be plenty of social occasions to do that, too.

Join here and become a member of the Dukes Club today.

Who's The Primary Contact?
Ok, Let's Add The Kids.
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