Last week, Sarah Warley, Founder of The Key Clinic, was joined by Cynthia de Maria, Senior Biomedical Practitioner, for the penultimate webinar in the Neurodiversity series. Starting with identifying signs and symptoms of ADHD, Sarah explained that although most cases are diagnosed when children are under 12 years old, late diagnoses in adults is soaring.
Sarah noted the core symptoms could fall into two categories: inattentiveness and hyperactivity & impulsiveness, and that usually ADHD with hyperactive symptoms tends to be diagnosed early. Sarah emphasised the importance of knowing that ADHD is beyond conscious control, and how it's important to keep this in mind with those we know with ADHD. She went on to discuss the areas of difficulty in children, such as getting your child to sleep at night, and difficulty in social situations. She then described areas of difficulty in adults, which include the ability to focus and complete tasks, addiction and coping with stress. She looked at the causes and correlates of ADHD, for example how premature birth and a low birth weight can be contributing factors to developing ADHD, and Sarah also explained that boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls.
Sarah and Cynthia discussed The Key Clinic's drug-free treatment approaches, including supplement and nutrient therapy, and NeuroMature, which focuses on tackling the root causes of ADHD.
Watch the webinar below to find out more, and sign up for the last webinar in the series on ‘Dyspraxia’, on the 25th of April.